a business built for impact
Thriving to make impact
Chitosan egypt was started out on the banks of a historical lake in a small village of a little over 20,000 inhabitants with the visionary outlook of 2 young professionals yearining to create their own vision of business for impact & profit a reality .
At chitosan egypt its become an imperative goal to always maximise impact . we continuously strive to seek changes in all our business operations from raw material sourcing, supply chain, employment to customer awareness,engagement and sales.
The seed to our business was a dying lake, 500 tons of annual shrimp waste and a hungry 20,000 individuals whose only breadwinners were women that worked sun up to sun down to make ends meet. We believed that a business could be built to resolve social as well as economic disparity all the while disrupting the status quo of what sustainable industries must look like.
We have created the Partner4Good initiative because we are always looking for new partners to join our crusade to further improve the way we do impact, because it can be done a lot better with collective intelligence & resources.
We have found that most of our impact falls into the following 3 Sustainable development goals

Making organic more affordable to grow and thus bigger outreach to consumers -Curbing crop loss to pests / climatic stress. Reducing need for poisonous pesticides. Fungicides our first product category to penetrate accounts for 45% of Egypt’s pesticide use and on average 30% of Africa use
the only land for reclamation in Egypt & 80% of middle east; by creating products that encapsulate plant systems with efficient nutrition despite harsh conditions. Solutions that capture water for longer, release nutrients from more effectively
by supplying solutions that more efficiently capture & deploy nutrients so that they are not lost to soil neither overwhelming for plant systems to uptake.
that end up in food & food chains harming vital organs & health empower the research efforts for organic pesticides & fertilisers
Making business more inclusive. Integrating women-led industry of shrimp processing as primary suppliers, a local industry in Egypt that is 90% manual and that employs 10,000+ women annually.
Making leap to industry more multidisciplinary by merging collective sciences of market, product, business & scientist development.
Creating proven case studies of local industry making change and not simply importing it.
Diverting a portion of the 80% import of pesticides