the versatile catalyst leading industrial revolutions

the versatile catalyst leading industrial revolutions

what we do ?
With over 13,000 researchers leading the chitosan frontiers in egypt high quality chitosan has become an imperative Over the past decade, between 2010 &2020 chitosan research has grown tenfold from the previous decade With such growth the demand for chitosan has grown exponentially yet supply has fallen short with the majority of the chitosan coming from abroad usually with the conditions of min weights & no customization.
Chito•lab is a science focused product line that is tailored to researchers’ needs. Manufactured locally for egyptian science . tailored specifications. No weight limit. Quick delivery within Egypt
Chitosan | infinite possibilities
learn more about chitosan & explore chitosan’s 240 application across 20+ industries
chitolab product portfolio

we make impossible possible
join the chitosan league of scientist & push forward the limits of science | get a quotation now vi our order form
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portfolio | partners + clients

to date
we have empowered
research field
have got an amazing innovation?
as the mena leaders in chitosan, we’re venturing to empower chitosan innovators whom have researched new grounds in chitosan research & have potential for commercialization let’s-talk!